Instructor mentoring

We believe in house instructors are crucial to developing the best solutions for your company, however without support in house instructors can often find themselves struggling to keep up with changes, spreading themselves far to thin and driving more often than training.

With our support and mentoring service we believe you can unlock the full potential of you instructors and benefit from having the latest up to date information.


Fuel Management Advice

We have a team of Fuel Management Advisors (FMA’s) who can assist transport companies to improve management of one of the biggest costs to their business – Fuel. Commercial Roadskills is an approved partner of EECA’s fuel efficiency programme therefore our FMA’s can access funding to assist you with implementing best practice fuel management if your company qualifies.

Call us now to speak with one of our FMA’s or to see if this programme is right for you… 0508 ROADSKILLS

Fuel Operation Rating

Knowledge is power

Our Fuel Operation Rating system is a state of the art software and reporting system that keeps you in the picture with how your fleet is running.

We have created a NZ first, a program that is automated weekly reporting from fuel fill up to help you manage fuel usage and driver skills and training effectiveness. Our data will help

  • CO2 emissions calculations,
  • rate drivers and vehicles to manage the most fuel efficient operation of trucks in your fleet,
  • you rate your trucks, routes, and fuel efficiency on routes and projects,
  • Quantify your Return On Investment (ROI),
  •  you manage consumption, and reach targets that you could only dream of.

When combined with Commercial Roadskills training your complaints reduce,  your efficiency boosts, and your drivers challenge each other to peergroup improve and you measure the benefits through weekly and monthly reports.



If you are interested in this service please don’t hesitate to contact us using the following to find out how our services can assist you

Skype: Commercialroadskills